Live Review

Live Review: Fashion East A/W 22

published on 20 February 2022

Live from London, content editor Calum Knight and features editor Hetty Mahlich review the Fashion East collections for A/W 22, including Chet Lo, Maximilian Davis and Jawara Alleyne. Praising this season's Fashion East showcase from the beginning to end, the pair honour Alleyne's distinctive sprawling-design approach that's yet effortless and modern, Chet Lo's digital-esque knitwear that ranges from the comedic faux fur addition to luxurious Ostrich feather and Maximilian's Shropshire upbringing-inspired collection; in which he's rewriting white-washed narratives through seamless and excellently-crafted design.

Live from London, content editor Calum Knight and features editor Hetty Mahlich review the Fashion East collections for A/W 22, including Chet Lo, Maximilian Davis and Jawara Alleyne. Praising this season's Fashion East showcase from the beginning to end, the pair honour Alleyne's distinctive sprawling-design approach that's yet effortless and modern, Chet Lo's digital-esque knitwear that ranges from the comedic faux fur addition to luxurious Ostrich feather and Maximilian's Shropshire upbringing-inspired collection; in which he's rewriting white-washed narratives through seamless and excellently-crafted design.


Live Panel Discussion

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