

Plinth's minimalist music is made by Dorset-based Mike Tanner. The initial music was a special project by Tanner and friend Steve Da Costa, who originally intended this work as being for family and friends. The original featured Winter Songs cassette was noticed by Geographic records and was featured on the compilation You don't need darkness to do what you think is right, to much critical acclaim in particular in alternative experimental music magazine, The Wire. Mike Tanner currently runs a mini label, Dorset Paeans, highlighting the efforts of the Dorset underground, and has continued to release music under a variety of names.

Plinth's minimalist music is made by Dorset-based Mike Tanner. The initial music was a special project by Tanner and friend Steve Da Costa, who originally intended this work as being for family and friends. The original featured Winter Songs cassette was noticed by Geographic records and was featured on the compilation You don't need darkness to do what you think is right, to much critical acclaim in particular in alternative experimental music magazine, The Wire. Mike Tanner currently runs a mini label, Dorset Paeans, highlighting the efforts of the Dorset underground, and has continued to release music under a variety of names.

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