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Day 5: Youth Extreme Dreams

published on 30 August 2021

M-C's fifth takeover day examines the teenage desires that electrify your youth. Using words from the late iconoclast Judy Blame to fashion designer Rick Owens to an excerpt from Yuen Hsieh's fashion film Puberty, magical concepts that enchant your own 'youthful extremes' are explained.

M-C's fifth takeover day examines the teenage desires that electrify your youth. Using words from the late iconoclast Judy Blame to fashion designer Rick Owens to an excerpt from Yuen Hsieh's fashion film Puberty, magical concepts that enchant your own 'youthful extremes' are explained.

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Day 5: Ruba Abu-Nimah

16 June 2020
On day 5 of her Instagram takeover, Ruba Abu-Nimah documented the correlation between protest and the participation of women and girls across the world, from activism on the streets to sports.
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Day 6: Ruba Abu-Nimah

16 June 2020
On day 6 of her Instagram takeover, Ruba Abu-Nimah shared the first four films in a series 'Where did everyone go?' documenting New York in a moment of political and cultural change.
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Day 7: Ruba Abu-Nimah

07 June 2020
On day 7 of her Instagram takeover, Ruba Abu-Nimah shared the final four films in a series 'Where did everyone go?' documenting New York in a moment of political and cultural change.
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