Fashion Film

Fashion Film: Liam Hodges June 2020

by Thomas Alexander on 25 June 2020

'As humans we constantly transmit. Our reality is based on our transmissions going out and the ones received by other people.' Liam Hodges

Embracing what Hodges terms the 'Lockdown Aesthetic', the designer teamed up with photographer and filmmaker Thomas Alexander on a fashion film shot via Zoom. Transmission seeks to capture the modern schizophrenic self, caught in the space between IRL and URL. The visual language of the film was directly informed by the restrictions of communicating virtually, and features the Liam Hodges S/S 20 Fifth Generation collection- itself an exploration into primitive-futurism and 'the gamification of the self.'

'The word Transmission feels slightly dystopian...almost as though we are sat in our bunker trying to make contact with any remaining life on earth through the medium of fashion film.' Thomas Alexander

'As humans we constantly transmit. Our reality is based on our transmissions going out and the ones received by other people.' Liam Hodges

Direction and Post-Production:
Harry Lambert
Movement Direction:
Ryan Chappell
Film Camera:
Melanie Pyne, Luih Tuckwell, Lucy Kitto


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