Part of: Soap Opera

Interview: Lauren Foster

published on 23 January 2014

'I don't like to focus on negative things, I'd rather focus on bright shiny things like diamonds, money and champagne.'

To accompany the first episode of Soap Opera, trans actress, reality star and model Lauren Foster speaks about her early life, the idea of 'glamour', and working with Joseph Lally.

'I don't like to focus on negative things, I'd rather focus on bright shiny things like diamonds, money and champagne.'

Interview by:



Interview Transcript: Tricky

21 March 2001
Tricky discussed his early career and Massive Attack, discovering racism in the music industry, movies and leaving England for America in an in-depth interview with artist Steve McQueen.

Interview: Nick Knight on Venus

25 January 2011
Nick Knight discusses the varied subcultural influences behind Venus; a project exploring the shifting definitions of gender.

Interview: Nick Knight on More Beautiful Women

13 June 2002
Nick Knight discusses the concepts and motivations behind his film series More Beautiful Women with Alice Rawsthorn.
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